Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    Same-Sex Relationship Ends in Double Homicide

    Daughter of Jose Alfonso Aviles was staying at the home of her female lover when she heard gunshots being fired. Moments later she would discover that her father had showed up at the house and murdered both her lover, Norma Hurtado and Hurtado's mother.
    Jose Alfonso Aviles, 45, has been charged with capital murder and was arrested in Bexar County by the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force, said Lt. Gena Curtis.

    The daughter explained to the police that she was “in a lesbian relationship which her father did not approve of.”  It is also rumored that the families had been feuding for several months about the relationship between the two. Though police are unable to label this tragedy as a hate crime just yet, the motives speak for themselves. 

    Austin City Council Member, Randi Shade released this statement concerning the murders-
    "As a leader of our community's newly formed Hate Crimes Task Force, it is clear that we need to work harder than ever to come together as a community to condemn any and all incidents that are motivated by hate, discrimination and prejudice."
    Banner created by Carma Bland-
    Hate crimes are a tragic reality to the world we live in today. We need to educate the ignorant and put a stop to ALL things empowering this hateful mind set. If we continue to, as a society, condone discrimination then we have no reason to believe that future generations won't simply continue this vicious cycle. 

    In a Texas based equality blog, Chuck Smith posts-
    "Each and every bias-motivated crime is disturbing. Yet, we cannot expect to eliminate bias-motivated crimes until we eliminate the ignorance and the prejudice that fuel their existence."
    I couldn't agree more. My heart goes out to the young woman that has been left with no choice,  but to face this heartbreaking loss. I can't even begin to imagine the pain she must be feeling at this time.   

    If you're interested in reading further details or investigation updates on this tragedy, you can find them on the Statesman Website.